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- VirtuaSam
Screenshot from the sample config.
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VirtuaSam v. 1.1
VirtuaSam is a Samurize plugin to interface with the virtual desktop manager VirtuaWin.
As such, it can be seen as two things:
- A virtual desktop manager for Samurize (with a little help from VirtuaWin)
- A skinnable interface for VirtuaWin (with a little help from Samurize)
VirtuaWin has no graphical interface of its own. It is controlled with the keyboard or through a systray icon, or as in this case, with an external application. This makes it an ideal companion for Samurize, providing virtual desktops integrated in your Samurize config.
VirtuaSam is freeware.
VirtuaSam11.zip ( bytes )Version history:
Version 1.1:- Support for VirtuaWin desktop screenshots
- New input action: Doubleclick to gather windows
- Initial release
More screenshots:
My config.
My current taskbar config with VirtuaSam at the bottom.